21: Briefly This and That

This and That’s

Life is full of this and that’s,
Which path to take this one or that one?
What would happen if we did things this way?
Or what would happen if we did things that way?

Life is full of this and that’s,
Little this and that’s that never get done,
This and that’s that we should have done,
This and that’s that never get achieved.

Life is full of this and that’s,
This and that’s of importance to us,
This and that’s that mean things to people,
Little bits of this and that’s that hold memories.

Life is full of this and that’s,
This and that’s that could have been,
This and that’s that should have been,
This and that’s that could have changed us.

Christopher Tye, This and That’s

Reminder to self: pretty packages can hide Ugly things.

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

— Harvey Dent

Reminder to self: Although I genuinely care about the suffering I have contributed doesn’t mean I should open myself up to the abuse of other people. The decision to respond in kind or kindly is mine.

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